The club is always immensely grateful for all donations received from fans and wellwishers and particularly during these current crazy times of uncertainty and disruption. During any normal year we would run fundraising events and activities which have been hugely helpful in ensuring we are able to keep the club on a healthy financial footing. This year it has not been possible to do this, which has left the club with a shortfall in it’s normal income which it can ill afford.
At the same time, we are aware that there are some individuals who would like the opportunity to make donations to the club on an ad hoc basis and we would like to invite you to do this through the club shop. Any amount is welcome and 100% of your donation will be used to help the club meet it’s running costs which continue to be significant even when we are not playing.
Should you wish to donate an amount which is not covered here please get in touch with us directly using the email address
Thank you.